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5 Instagram accounts to follow for great nutrition advice

If you want truly good nutrition advice the first thing you need to do is check the person you’re looking at is qualified. With so many different accounts on Instagram it’s easy to get swept into a scrolling frenzy, sucked In my the first account you see with perfectly photographed dishes and thousands of followers. Blue tick too? Still doesn’t mean they’re qualified.

To help you decipher between the ‘real deal’ and the ‘wrong deal’, we’ve put together some of our favourite dieticians and nutritionists, who will give you all the information you need.

Firstly, let’s look at the difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist…

According to the UK Association of Dietitians, their tribe are the only nutrition professionals to be regulated by law, and are governed by an ethical code to ensure that they always work to the highest standard.

Nutritionists are slightly more complex: anyone can call themselves a ‘nutritionist’ but official ones are those who are part of the UK Voluntary Register of Nutritionists (UKVRN).

Dr Hazel Wallace with a plate of food


Dr Hazel Wallace is an Irish gem. She’s a qualified medical doctor, best-selling author and health writer. She cuts through the c**p and uses social media to educate and delight her audience. From meal ideas to covid-19 updates, to fitness advice and workouts, she covers all aspects of wellbeing with advice you can trust. She’s the type of person you see and instantly want to be friends with, not just so you can learn from her incredible knowledge but just because she oozes wonderfulness.


She’s got her own clinic on Harley Street, regularly appears in the news and to top it off, she’s got a cute son who often appears in her stories. Rhiannon Lambert is like the guru of health. She knows all there is to know about everything related to the body. From the best food to eat pre workout and the best food to eat post workout; fat loss to building muscles; brain boosting foods to iron boosting foods. Not to mention her feed is full of amazing recipes. She’s always smiling and that type of happiness is infectious. If you’re ever feeling down, take a scroll on Rhi’s profile.


Dr Rupy Aujla is a medical doctor, nutritionist, chef, best-selling author and podcast host. His aim is to help people live ‘happy and healthy lives using food as medicine’. So if you are looking to eat well, this is the account for you. On his podcast, The Doctor’s Kitchen, he covers a range of topics including eating for your brain, heart, mental health, immunity and women’s health specifically too. He even shares tips on his instagram like ‘beating brain fog’, and ‘foods that may decrease the risk of depression’. And if you’re plant-based his meals are for you.

Dr Rupy Aujla is a medical doctor, nutritionist, chef,


Dr Megan Rossi has quite a few letters after her name: PhD, RD, APD. She is the founder of The Gut Health Clinic, in London, working alongside a team of almighty women. She’s been practising dietitian and nutrition for over a decade and is passionate about making a meaningful difference in people’s lives. Her book, Eat Yourself Healthy, perfectly combines science and practical tips for optimal gut health, in an easy-to-read and enjoyable way – consider it the bible of gut health.

Nichola Ludlam-Raine smiling


Nichola Ludlam-Raine has been a private dietitian for 12 years and regularly appears on popular TV channels like the BBC, ITV, and Channel 4. She is all about promoting a healthy lifestyle rather than ‘fad’ diets. She doesn’t label food ‘good’ and ‘bad’, and instead believes that ‘variety is the spice of life’. Her instagram is colourful and informative, full of tips and meal ideas, many of which she goes into depth about on her website, Nic Nutrition. As a mummy of one (and one on the way) she’s also founder of @mummynutrition.