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How to take mindful drinking into the rest of 2021

And just like that, January is almost over! Whether you’ve gone all in or cut down on alcohol, or simply feel inspired by those around you doing so to drink a little less, we’re here to support you. On this week’s blog, we’ve enlisted Emily, founder of Sober & Social to share her top-tips for taking mindful drinking beyond this month, into the rest of 2021. 

The word mindfulness in itself can be a little confusing. We see it in magazines, on documentaries and on social media all the time these days, but what exactly does it involve? Really, it’s all about positively thinking things through, staying conscious of your life-choices and making sure that you’re making decisions that are the best decisions for you.

Emily Syphas is founder of Sober & Social a global brand and community that supports those wanting to explore and lead a teetotal lifestyle. The core ethos of Sober & Social is to empower, encourage and celebrate you living your healthiest and happiest life. Sober & Social was founded on the basis that going alcohol free shouldn’t mean missing out or having to compromise on your social life.

Emily Syphas

If there’s anything that the past few months has taught us, it’s to be more mindful. To be more mindful of our health, to be more present, and to take greater care with what we are putting in our bodies. There’s never been a better time to be more conscious of our drinking. What better time to start than the beginning of a new year?

Mindful drinking can happen in many different ways. It could be deciding to only drink alcohol on special occasions, limiting yourself to one or two drinks on a night out, or drinking lower alcohol percentage drinks. Mindful drinking could be checking in with yourself before you drink, asking yourself how you feel, and making sure you only consume alcohol when you feel good. It could be not drinking alcohol at all and literally being mindful that you don’t want to drink anymore. 

Here’s my top tips for being a mindful drinker in 2021


Asking yourself the right questions before you drink is such an important habit to get into. It will allow you to think about your decision before going into autopilot and having that glass of wine or bottle of beer. Ask yourself the below questions before you start drinking;

Do I feel good about myself?

Am I drinking because I feel in a good space?

Do I have anything important I need to do in the morning?

Is this decision going to empower or dis-empower my best self?


Being a mindful drinker is about becoming mindful in all that we do. The more compassion we give to ourselves in all areas of our lives, the less we will want to engage in unhealthy drinking habits. This might look like:

  • eating nourishing foods
  • moving more
  • sticking to our commitments and creating goals for ourselves
  • making sure we have enough time for ourselves
  • being present for our friends and family
  • talking to ourselves in a loving way

If we have a more mindful approach to our lives as a whole, it will be easier to translate this when it comes to our drinking too.


This is a big one, but I have found it to be a game-changer. Finding friends, communities, and support groups that allow you to connect with like-minded people is a big part of becoming a mindful drinker. This allows you to talk to others that understand your mindful journey, and adds a new dimension and depth to your mindful social life! I would recommend checking out @joinclubsoda as they are the leaders for top tips and advice in the mindful drinking world.


If you want to become a mindful drinker, finding an AF or low alcohol percentage drink that you love is key. This will enable you to still enjoy a drink without feeling you are missing out and without the big hangover in the morning! I love experimenting with all the non-alcoholic beers on the market as I think some of them taste better than the real thing. And of course, I also love playing around with Caleño non-alcoholic spirits to make delicious cocktails at home!