Preparing for a Joyful Winter
As the nights continue to draw in, the wind bites a little harder and the prospect of staying inside (believe it or not) is becoming almost appealing; it’s fair to say that winter is in full swing. Things may seem a little gloomy right now, but don’t worry! We’re here with your one-stop guide to preparing for a joyful winter.
Relaxation & good sleep routine
The darker months are almost synonymous with cosiness, relaxation and self-care. Eight AM sunrises and early sunsets (and curfews) give us an excuse to wake a little later, watch a few more films and indulge in bubblier baths. The way in which embracing this time as one of zen and reset can positively impact your mental and physical health really is understated. More sleep can leave you energised, and waking feeling clear headed and less anxious. Taking a long candle-lit soak, getting stuck into a good book and winding down in front of the TV shouldn’t be seen as luxuries to feel guilty about; rather moments of joy to leave you feeling refreshed. So, get your dressing gown out and fluffiest slippers on, ahora!

Healthy comfort food
It’s time to bust the myth that comfort food must be unhealthy. In fact, comfort food can be some of the most nutrient-dense food going, and there’s no perfect time to experiment with all dishes flavoursome and filling than in winter. Why not try a slow-cooked veggie chilli, served with steaming rice, or Ajiaco Colombiano, a piping hot Latin-American chicken soup packed with chunky potatoes and sweet corn. Nourishing, satisfying and completely delicious – what more could you ask for?
Benefits of not drinking (for physical and mental health)
As we all know, the run up to Christmas can be hectic. We might be living through the strangest yuletide we’ve EVER known, but that doesn’t mean the festivities are on hold. It’s still pretty likely that calendars will be bursting with frantic online shopping sprees, supermarket errands, gift wrapping, food prepping and of course, (socially distanced) partying. It can sometimes be difficult to disassociate partying at Christmas from boozy overindulgence that leaves you feeling groggy and fuzzy-minded the next morning. But this doesn’t have to be the case. Queue our Dark & Spicy NA spirit! Hangover-free, at-home Cocktail sessions have never been so easy and appealing. To bring the party spirit, try our Spiritz of la Fiesta, or Rhythm on the Rocks!!
Getting active
One undeniable benefit of the months we spent indoors was the swathes of new, and often free, fitness content posted online. What better way to get your steps in while avoiding the blustery outdoors than an online danceathon, HIIT class or pilates session? Some of our favourite fitness influencers are The Body Coach, Zanna Van Dijk, Adrienne Lndn and Alice Liveing. We love the FIIT app too! Also, be sure to check out our IGTV Reggeaton dance class with DANs London.
Brightening up your home
Lastly, simply adding pops of colour around your home can play a huge part in lifting your mood. Greys, neutrals and burnt shades may be seen as the season’s in-colours, but there’s no reason to stick to convention. Que chunky sunflowers, vibrant wall art and bold cushion covers. Some of our favourite accounts that bring pops of colour onto our feeds daily are @aestheticsofjoy, @thehomeedit and @meganellaby!